VR-based Dancing Training System

VR-based Dancing Training System

VR-based Dancing Training System

This is my master’s dissertation project.

This Project could be departed into two parts roughly:

  1. Motion Capture to collect High Quality Animation Clips.
  2. Real-time body tracking, motion comparision, avatar binding, etc.

And here is the figure of the project architecture.


Building and Running Issues

This project is dependping on some essential hardwares:

  1. Azure Kinect DK, which is a Depth Camera for body-tracking.
  2. Any VR Headset could used for developing. In this project, I used the VIVE Pro2. But I strongly to use light-weight headsets.

This project was developed using the Unity engine and I used some add-ons. Some of them are paid and copyrighted that must be added to the project separately.

  1. Modern UI Pack
  2. Ultimate Replay 2.0
© 2023 🐸 Fanxiang Zhou 🐸