Sparrow Engine

Sparrow Engine

COMP5530 Game Engine Project, Editor and Tool Development only

In the group project focused on developing a game engine based on OpenGL, I contributed encompassed a wide range of critical areas within the game engine’s development, spanning from asset management and resource pipelines to math computations, file handling, and the creation of a functional editor interface as follows:

  1. Resource/Asset Workflow and Pipeline:

    • Developed data serialization and deserialization mechanisms.
    • Designed the scene graph, enabling the saving and loading of scene snapshots.
    • Created prefabs, managing data dependencies and references during save/load operations.
    • Defined data structures and implemented parsing for static meshes, materials, textures, skeletons, and animation clips.
  2. Math Module, IO Module, Toolkit Development:

    • Implemented custom math functions to support various engine calculations.
    • Developed file read/write functionalities for managing the engine file system and project file system.
    • Set up a log system to handle engine logs efficiently.
    • Managed engine configurations to fine-tune the engine’s behavior.
    • Handled texture compression and conversion processes.
    • Implemented systems for managing textures and icons within the engine.
  3. Editor Development:

    • Created the visual appearance and layout of the editor interface.
    • Integrated the ECS (Entity-Component-System) framework with various systems in the engine.
    • Bound toolkit functions to the editor interface, enhancing the editor’s functionality.
    • Implemented rendering texture bindings to ensure proper rendering within the editor environment.
  4. Testing:

    • Conducted unit tests specifically targeting the components you worked on.
    • Engaged in testing and debugging processes related to the ECS framework, shaders, and Lua binding.
    • Performance and Profiling
© 2023 🐸 Fanxiang Zhou 🐸