Sparrow OpenGL Renderer

Sparrow OpenGL Renderer

A Tiny OpenGL Renderer Playground in C++.

Build and Run

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


This project is currently in a chaos, most of the code made me shamed. The only reason I make it currently now is that I need to refer it in my own coursework.


  • Basis
    • Forward Rendering Pipeline
    • Skybox
    • Model Loading(GLTF / FBX / OBJ)
    • Multiple Scenes
    • IMGUI UI Controls
    • Input and Window System
    • Camera System
    • Automatic Multiple Texture
  • Rendering
    • OpenGL RHI( still in processing strictlyโ€ฆ)
    • Simple Triangle (Scene01_Triangle.hpp)
    • Forward Albedo PBR (Scene_LoadModel.hpp)
    • Forward Bloom (Scene_LoadModel.hpp)
    • Forward SSAO (๐Ÿž in repairing)
    • Forward IBL (๐Ÿž in repairing)
  • Animation
    • BVH Viewer(Scene_BVHView.cpp)
  • Simulation
    • Cloth Simulation(Scene_ClothSimulationSS1.hpp & Scene_ClothSimulationSS2.hpp)


  • Rendering Features
    • Deferred Shading
  • Animation Features
    • Inverse Kinematics (BVH/FBX/GLTF)
  • Simulation Features
    • Rigidbody
    • SPH Fluids
  • Application
    • C++20 Coroutine Introduction


  • Most of the examples followed by LearnOpenGL
  • The original code framework followed by The Cherno
  • Youtube OpenGL is a good project to learn how to implement OpenGL features in OOP mode
  • Piccolo Engine is a good project with engine structure. Files like WindowSystem, LogSystem are copy from this project.
© 2023 ๐Ÿธ Fanxiang Zhou ๐Ÿธ