UE5Learn Gameplay (1) Crypt Raider

UE5Learn Gameplay (1) Crypt Raider
Unreal Engine

A UE5 First Person Controller Game

Overview Video

What I Learnt

  • How to design and implement level design using three views in a modular layout, combined with wireframe and unlit scene modes.
    • editor-layout.png
  • Light Types and the Lumen GI system in Unreal
    • Light Types:
      • Directional Light: Only rotation has effects; it alters the direction of the sunlight.
      • Point Light: Allows customization of the light’s intensity, color, and attenuation radius.
      • Rect Light: A rect light possesses an area.
      • Sky Light: Delivers a soft ambient environment color.
        • Not the same as a skybox, but related.
        • Also associated with the directional light and its direction.
      • Future: How can I implement some features in my own project Sparrow-Renderer ?
    • Lumen GI System:
      • Nanite is incompatible with Pixel Depth Offset; they must be unlinked in the material graph (shader).
      • Post Process Volume is crucial for post-processing, including exposure and toning.
      • A Light Bleeding issue occurs; the solution in this project is to use other meshes to cover the boundaries of the level.
  • Collision Filtering:
    • Types of Collision Filtering:
      • Block: Physically blocks the component and triggers a hit event.
      • Overlap: Doesn’t block the component but allows overlaps. It will trigger overlap events. β€œGenerate overlap” pertains to the generation of overlap events as the object continues through the collision process.
      • Ignore: The component will overlap, but it won’t undergo collision processing, hence no events will arise.
    • Trigger Implementation:
      • Detects Collision through overlap and actor tag comparison.
  • Grab Items Gameplay Implementation:
    • Grabbing is based on Raycasting and Collision, implemented with UPhysicsHandleComponent, GetGrabbedComponent, and GrabComponentAtLocationWithRotation.
    • Calls event interaction in blueprints.
    • Simulates Physics to achieve enhanced visual effects. grapping.png


Q: Why the player born in the position of navigation of camera in the level?

A: It’s a setting


My thinking:

  • camera position is better for debugging,
  • but in the distribution, better to use a playstart
© 2023 🐸 Fanxiang Zhou 🐸